At Thorntree we recognise the powerful impact PE and sport can have on our pupil’s development: boosting achievement, building vital communication and leadership skills and teaching the importance of healthy active lifestyles. We believe that every child has the right to access high quality physical education and school sport. Lessons are delivered in line with Glasgow City Council’s PE policy. Our curriculum develops skills through dance, invasion games, gymnastics, swimming, athletics, net and wall games and striking and fielding games.
Pupils will take part in a minimum of 2 PE sessions per week. This usually consists of one indoor and one outdoor lesson. These lessons are delivered by either class teachers, or by visiting specialist coaches. Pupils should bring appropriate indoor or outdoor PE kit. Including appropriate footwear. All jewellery should be removed and long hair tied back.
Mrs McGowan is our PE lead teacher, who works alongside, Maureen McCormick our Active Schools Coordinator (PEPASS) and our appointed Pupil Sports Council. Together they provide curricular and extra-curricular opportunities for pupils to be active and enjoy physical activity. Each class has nominated Sports Ambassadors who make sure that pupil voice is represented, and help to organise events and equipment. |
It was an honour for Thorntree to be awarded Glasgow Primary School of the Year, at the Glasgow Sport Awards 2022, for the impact we have made on sport, physical activity and well-being. We have had success in a wide variety of sporting competitions across the city, including dance, football and athletics.

Throughout the year there will be opportunities for parents/guardians to be involved, with extra-curricular and curricular sporting events. Please make sure you can access Seesaw, to receive communication, about events and clubs.